Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Crisis of Celibacy? or Smoke and Mirrors?

A book crossed my desk today: Priests: A Calling in Crisis by Fr. Andrew Greeley. Fr. Greeley is a sociologist at the University of Chicago and writes frequently on many issues of concern to American. As with many of Fr. Greeley's books, I read the last chapter first to see if I want to spend the time reading the rest of the book. I have to say that his conclusion is both stunning and comforting.
According to Fr. Greeley:
"The vocation crisis is a matter of smoke and mirrors. It's not a question that question that priests are unhappy with celibacy.
"Most men who leave the priesthood do not leave because of celibacy. They must also dislike the work of the priest to the extent that they say they would not choose again to be a priest. Despite the happiness and maturity of most celibate priests, few of them are willing to speak out in its defense. Hence there is little resistance to the constant propaganda that celibates are inadequate human beings and that celibacy causes child abuse....If priests are unwilling to defend their collective reputation, then there is no reason to think that anyone else will.
"Those who are happy in the priesthood and those who understand and apparently embrace celibacy have been intimidated into silence by the anticelibacy crusade. They are afraid to say publicly that they find the priesthood better than they expected because they might hurt the feelings of their former colleagues and have their masculinity or humanity questioned by an articulate minority of resigned priests and by lay elite who perceive celibacy as an attack on the equal virtue of married sexuality."

Say what you will about Fr. Greeley's overall work: this particular diagnosis is right on the mark. Celibacy has long been recognized as a legitimate expression of an individual's sexuality in many, if not most cultures. To take this particular discipline and live it for the sake of the Kingdom of God is a great joy and a great privilege. As a thirty-four year old newly ordained priest (and religious for seven years) I, for one, am grateful for the this beautiful charism of celibacy.

When I announced to my family that I wanted to become a monk, one of my younger sisters lamented that I would never be a father. Later, she came back to me and said that, in fact, my decision would allow me to be a father to many people. And she was correct--I am now the Prior, the 'spiritual father' of the monastery.

What many forget is that celibacy is as much of an experience as is sexual activity. In other words, in our experience-oriented culture, those who recommend marriage for everyone are in fact less interested in diversity than those who celebrate the gift of both the married state and the celibate state.


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